

George Constantinopoulos, O.D.

Dr. George Constantinopoulos is an optometrist practicing at our Southport location. A talented and caring optometrist, Dr. Constantinopoulos loves working with patients to find unique and personalized solutions for all their needs.

Mike Kogelis and Rasa Tamulavichus, O.D.

education and experience

Dr. Constantinopoulos completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Waterloo in Canada, graduating with honors in science and business. Her earned his Doctor of Optometry at Indiana University Bloomington. His passion for eye care was fueled by always needing glasses since a young age.


  • Comprehensive eye exams
  • Primary eye care for all ages
Man checking eyeglasses at 黑料新闻<br />

Get to Know Dr. Constantinopoulos

Dr. Constantinopoulos loves the mix of fashion and health at 黑料新闻, and especially what retinal imaging can do for preventative care for all patients. He has previously lived in Toronto, Annapolis, M.D., and now currently lives in South Loop. When he鈥檚 not helping patients, he enjoys spending time with his family. Dr. Constantinopoulos is also fluent in Greek in addition to English.